Thursday, April 13, 2006

T-Minus 8 Days and Counting...

Wow -- it's looking very sparse around here. We've already moved about 70% out of our old building and into our new one. The new building is taking shape as the racks are being put up, the inventory being restocked, etc. I hope these next 8 days really fly because we all just want to be settled into the new location. Special thanks go to Jay Leslie, owner of the House of Enchantment and his friend, Vaughn, and Tony Blanco, for unselfishly volunteering their time to help us move this entire week!

It started like this...

Then it began dwindling...

And dwindling...

Just about done...

The big news this week is that Yigal Messika's long (and I do mean long) awaited Electric Touch arrived on Monday, and all our pre-orders shipped the very next day! So, if you were one of the many who pre-ordered your unit, it should be there any day, if not there already. The good news is that if you didn't pre-order one, you can still buy one at the original price of $149.95, not the new price of $199.95. We're able to do this as we pre-ordered an extremely large quantity of units at the old price and we are able to pass the offer on to you. This offer will be good until our original inventory sells out, which will be very soon!

We're going to be going over to the new building where Mike will be working to put in the new satellite cable system which will enable us to have lightening fast T3 speed for all our computers in their respective departments. This means that not only will your orders be taken with lightening speed, so will shipping your orders! It is just another way we are looking to grow and improve Hocus Pocus.

Yesterday, Mike Wood of SmarTech, who created and hosts our web site, came in to show us some of the changes, features, and improvements (including a new look) for the Hocus Pocus website! Soon, you will be able to check out an entire product's features on the very same page as its thumbnail image without having to open a new window, you'll be able to instantly add items to your shopping cart, which will be automatically verified, and you will be able to know the cost of shipping your items, plus many other features. We are anticipating going live with the new site in as little as 4-6 weeks, so stay tuned.

Life is good at Hocus Pocus, thanks to all of you. This move and the changes to our web site could not have been possible without your support. You are the reason for our success and continued growth, and there's not a day that goes by that I don't remember that. By next week, I should be writing this blog from the new desk in the new location. Remember, if you are anywhere near our area and want to stop by and say hello, we'd love to give you a tour of the new facilities.

If you celebrate Easter, we hope you have an enjoyable time with your family and friends. My son, Max, doesn't want much -- just a Corvette! I wished him luck in this endeavor.

Until next time,


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