Thursday, May 18, 2006

Smile! You're on Candid Camera

Yesterday, Mike surprised us all when he brought his video camera in, and just like Alan Funt Jr., filmed an impromptu walk-through tour of our new location. It turned out so well, we decided to share it with you. Wow! It always looks different when you see it on film! We really did need the bigger space. Let us know what you think after you check it out. If you'd like to take the tour, simply click the picture below:


This last week, the temperatures have soared to a whopping 105 degrees! I find myself turning the AC on at about 8:30 AM instead of early in the afternoon. It's going to be a looooong, hot Summer! The crazy part? They said it's supposed to rain tonight, tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday! What the heck is going on?! The weather is as up and down as gas prices!

It's been very busy here at Hocus Pocus with orders flying out the door just as fast as they're coming in. In fact, we needed to hire an extra employee. Starting Monday, working in shipping and receiving, will be our newest employee, Corina! We're happy to have someone as courteous and professional as she is.

After the Keith Barry episode aired last Friday, we've been selling a TON of X-Ray Hood & Blindfolds, which we were happy to supply Keith for that particular episode. If you're looking for a foolproof accessory for a publicity stunt, this one is for you!


It's been brought to our attention that the Mak Magic company has once again ripped off another of our effects. Currently, they are selling a poorly manufactured version of Martin Lewis' Cardiographic. To set the record straight, we purchased all manufacturing and distributing rights from Martin Lewis for this effect about 10 years ago. Let there be no doubt that Cardiographic was originally created and manufactured by Martin Lewis and as of the purchase date, no one else has the right to manufacture or distribute this effect. This is just one in a long line of products Mak Magic has ripped off from creators such as Wayne Rogers' Appearing Ladder, Hocus Pocus' Gravity Box, and Hank Lee's Wedlock. All these effects and more have been purchased (along with the rights) by Hocus Pocus and other dealers, so please buy the originals and support the creators.

I just got off the phone with Robert Baxt, who just returned from San Francisco with Carl Ballantine who was honored with a lifetime achievement award in the field of magic and comedy. Congratulations to Carl, who deserves all the accolades.

As I'm writing this, the skies are becoming overcast, so the weatherman's predictions of rain must be coming true. Have a safe and rest-filled weekend.

Until next time,


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